Taxi Booking App
We all are living in the world where everything is accessible in just a single click. Everything is online has made our life easier but In order to make things easier it has to go the route of apt tech and right tech team.
Addicor has a record of delivering top class products and launched the applications which are performing so well till now.Taxi booking app shown in the GIF at your right is one of the examples of what Addicor has embarked on when it comes to provide right quality product to the seller.All 3 Applications-Customer, seller and admin were built on both Android and IOS.

e-Scooter App
Applications which make your life easy and convenient are actually backed up by the most logical and complex tech stack and codes. It requires the right set of knowledge and understanding to cater the right deliverables to the client.
And we are not feeling any lesser than feeling proud of our team which has constantly work on the application to provide what the client has actually needed.We have built E-Scooter app which helps the user pick any scooter from the scooter hub and user has this ability to manage the complete function of the e-scooter from the application.
Addicor has decorated the application with the right UI/UX designs, which were very user intuitive and had the real time response rate to increase the satisfaction of the user experience.

Restaurant App
Addicor can be your one stop solution to build any e-commerce app, We have an experienced team which can build an application where people can order food and can get it delivered in a single go.The reference of the applications we have built in the past can be seen in the gif on your right. Addicor has successfully delivered such food application in the past.These applications are now live in the market and holds good user base for the same.
We have built all the three application for the restaurant App-It included your Seller app, Customer app and Admin app.We have had used the most advanced tech stack and helped the client fulfil all his business requirement through our development process.

Educational App
Addicor has experience in creating application of any nature, type and scope. Pandemic has changed the habits of an individual to lead a life. Everything has turned digital and so is our education.
Education is a primary source of knowledge for the students and when it comes to building an Education application then tech has to be seamless, User intuitive and feasible to be used as it has to be used by the users.
Get your educational app build by the team Addicor, we are trained, skilled and experienced in living up to the expectation of the client.
We are well versed with the tech stacks to be used in such application, process involved and the end delivery which can be an effective utilisation of the complete team and end product can be as per your requirements.

Utility App
Addicor is your one step solution for building any application which would help your business grows widely. Utility applications are those applications which ease the daily routine of the users and Addicor has successfully replicated the actual meaning of it in its tech implementation.
We have built such applications in past and have never failed to give the utmost results to the clients. The app in your right has been built by the most skilled and talented developers of Addicor.
We assure you that Addicor can be your partner in building the trust, believe and right solution for your user.